Check out this simple step-by-step guide to complete your KYC verification.
Step 1: Log in to your BJ88’s account, select ‘Deposit’.
Step 2: Click ‘Phone Number’ to enter the Personal Information page.
Step 3: Verify your Phone Number, Email Address and Date of Birth.
Step 4: Select your preferred identity options.
Step 5: Upload your chosen identity details and follow the requirements. Then, simply click ‘Submit’.
— Once the verification process are completed, go back to our deposit page. —
Step 6: If you like to participate in an offer, you may select one of the offers, otherwise our setting will set ‘Normal’ as default. Once you’re done selecting the offers, our screen will display the available deposit channels for the offer.
Step 7: Choose ‘Local Bank’ as your payment method.
Step 8: Select your preferred payment gateway as your Deposit Channel.
Step 9: Enter your desired deposit amount by clicking on the speed deposit button.
Speed deposit button allows you to quickly select the deposit amount, you can also click on the same button to add up to your desired amount. Your total deposit amount will be displayed beneath.
For Example: Clicking on KRW10,000 twice would be KRW20,000 in total.
Step 10: Adding your Bank Account details by clicking the ‘Add Bank Card’ button.
(This bank card used to be your deposit and withdrawal transactions)
Step 11: Select your preferred bank account, then simply click ‘Submit’.
Step 12: Complete the transaction to the agent account shown on screen within the given time.
Step 13: Login to your online banking account to complete the deposit transaction.
Step 14: Click ‘Payment Completed’ once your transaction is completed.
Step 15: You will receive a notification that your deposit has been received and is being processed. Your balance will be updated upon successful deposit.